(12-10-2016, 05:38 PM)wyze0ne Wrote: I don't know why you love this company so much and defend it tooth and nail...

Its the principle and has nothing to do with the company per se but the way people attack them. Since it came on the market, threads have been removed from forums and hatred spewn for what appears two reason.

1. The past of the owner. Thats nonsense in as I pointed out many times, if we all had such high virtues, you couldn't buy anything. Most likely, the average consumer has no idea about the civil fines levied on companies and the individuals who work for them. Companies have decided its cheaper to pay lawsuits for death than fix low cost items. A company have admitted to defrauding the US government and and its customers yet its rarely mentioned. Companies allegedly defraud consumers in weights yet no ones seems to care. Nonsense arguments like "its too easy to shave with". Utter nonsense.

2. It cost to much. So don't buy it. They unabashedly state its not for everyone. Get over it and move on. I'd love to buy a Ferrari. Not going to happen. But I'm not going to  bash the company for selling cars I can't afford. I'd like to buy multiple vacation homes all over the world. Not going to happen. But I'm not going to bash the companies that build and sell those homes. I'd love to take a world Tour and see the things I've never seen. Not going to happen. But I'm not going to bash the tour companies.  etc. I can buy a cheap Toyota, live in a cheap home, and never take a vacation and live just fine. But I'm not going bash or make fun of companies that sell luxury products. Otherwise it would be pure jealousy on me.

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
grim, I am not disputing your points. However, there have been enough people who have received faulty products, and sometimes more than once, who have had less than stellar customer service, and who believe the price of the razor is of importance to make their points every bit as valid as yours and they will no more "get over it" than you will with your thoughts. As long as no disrespect is shown or untruths are deliberately spread, these discussions are worthwhile and part of the reason a site such as ours exists.

Matsilainen, grim, wyze0ne and 1 others like this post
And, its on sale again https://www.onebladeshave.com/holidayspecial/
(12-14-2016, 02:19 AM)grim Wrote: And, its on sale again https://www.onebladeshave.com/holidayspecial/

This just takes me to a page with a story about OneBlade with no price or option to buy. Just very curious if their 'sale' price is what the normal priced used to be. I'm on my phone so wondering if anybody else can open it. I don't care enough to go to the computer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's not on sale. It's still $399, but they just add worthless crap to seem like you're getting a good deal.

Philadelphia, PA
the page shown above just says 30% off their luxury set which includes a brush, soap, pre-shave and an aftershave.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
(This post was last modified: 12-14-2016, 09:58 PM by CHSeifert.)
No sale on the razor as Andrew states. A lame offer on their 'luxury' set
Cheers, Claus from Denmark

Nashville, TN
I received mine as a gift with the "luxury set"

The pre-shave is good, though no better than what I make at home. The shaving cream is the good Castle Forbes shaving cream that is about $40.

It is very good cream, though I would never pay that much as it isn't better to me than quality players like Stirling, B&M, etc...
I can sense belly upcoming their way soon
(12-14-2016, 05:48 PM)RSP1 Wrote: It's not on sale.  It's still $399, but they just add worthless crap to seem like you're getting a good deal.

CF is worthless crap? Wow. Forgetting about the travel brush, preshave, and post shave if they throw in $42 worth of CF, then the razor is on sale.

I have never hear anyone, anywhere, say CF is Crap. This is a first. If CF is crap, I wonder how you rate the artisans.

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