
Gatineau, QC, Canada
Thank you 

Alan H
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."

  - Albert Einstein

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AlanH81 likes this post

That Darwin handle looks like the love child of a beautiful razor and the T1000. James Cameron would approve.

AQU and AlanH81 like this post
Hi Alan, 

I've been looking at your posts featuring some polished Karve and Wolfman razors which look absolutely stunning.  I am looking into SS Karve and basic Wolfman razors and was wondering if you can offer your polishing service when I get either of the two.  Could you also briefly set out your service fees either here (if allowed) or on a private message.

Thanks and happy holidays!

AQU, Zhang Doe and Captainjonny like this post

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