(01-22-2016, 12:24 AM)TheHandleBar Wrote: Love Voskhods, but I definitely don't get 6 shaves out of them. They're almost a 1 and done for me, but I usually push them to 2 shaves.
My post is misleading regarding the longevity of the blades. Most of those shaves were one pass plus or two pass shaves with just a day of growth. I shave every day. So, someone doing three passes with a 1 1\2 -2 days growth would probably not get an entire weeks worth of shaves as I did. If you only get one shave...damn!!
One huge thing to note, I was only doing one pass plus shaves because they were ultra close and comfortable and I did not need more passes. I can't say that very often. They flat out performed for me.