(02-02-2020, 10:43 PM)nameisjoey Wrote: Wow I didn’t mean to de-rail the thread so much. Sorry about that my dudes! I guess since we all agree that Bozingo is a shady thief we can get back to the topic that Varlet is free to choose their own prices and should do so to counter act all the Dr. Vinny flippers of the world.Nothing like coming across a discussion to see someone randomly referencing you without relevance or merit, especially when the same person (nameisjoey) takes time out of their day to make a tongue in cheek offer on a seperate WTB razor post. What's with your obsession with me? I know the concept of flipping is something you have never been able to quite understand despite how simple it is (buying an item with the purpose of reselling for profit). Just because I try to recoup the $1000 a brush maker charges me for an item doesn't make me a flipper despite how much you want it to be true. I dont blame the artisan for trying to take advantage of a profitable situation and if someone else finds the same value in the item so be it. If not I keep it, drop the price as relevant, or pif it depending on my mood.
Artisans are free to charge what they will.
Resellers are free to charge what they will.
Haters are free to hate. They just come across as ridiculous trolls who no one takes seriously, here or in the multiple other forums they cant help but spout their same nonsense.
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