Seems like everyday there is new artisan soap appearing.  How much is too much?  After awhile all these soaps seem the same except for labels and scents.  More I find I prefer keep things simple and buy commercial.  Others feel this way?
Personally for me, the more there is the better. More choice. More availability of quality products. Competition Keeps the prices in check.
Yes some of the scents can be similar between Artisans but that's down to the buyer doing his research and finding what's right for them.

Freddy and SharpSpine like this post

The market will sort it all out.

It can be overwhelming, though!

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Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
(07-20-2015, 12:13 PM)Miles853 Wrote: Personally for me, the more there is the better. More choice. More availability of quality products. Competition Keeps the prices in check.
Yes some of the scents can be similar between Artisans but that's down to the buyer doing his research and finding what's right for them.

(07-20-2015, 03:26 PM)j-mt Wrote: The market will sort it all out.

It can be overwhelming, though!

I agree with these sentiments.  I understand that it can become overwhelming but the choices are fantastic and I enjoy seeing what's out there.  Having fewer choices doesn't necessarily benefit the consumer.  Just think about the American airline industry and its consolidation.  Fewer choices, to be sure, but has that benefited the traveler?  I don't think so. Dodgy

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Philadelphia, PA
I agree..the good soaps/creams will remain while the ones that weren't so good will die off naturally.

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Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

South Saint Louis, MO
Like other's said, Adam Smith's invisible hand will probably sort everything out. But in the interim, it's really nice to be able to find a soap that has all the qualities you want, down to the smallest minutia. It's certainly an amazing problem to have.
Plus, when were you able to actually converse with the person who toiled in making the soap (testing formulas and creating scents) that you are purchasing from the commercial soaps? I greatly appreciate the ability to message the maker of the soaps I already use as well as the ones I'm thinking about using. Heck. one soap maker even offered to let me swing by his building to pick up some soap that he gave to me. How cool is that? I am willing to pay more for a soap that affords me these luxuries. The ones that also perform splendidly will stick around while others may move on. Competition will keep the soap makers innovative and responsive to the consumer as well, not just keeping the prices in check.

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>>> Brian <<<
Happy beeps, buddy! Happy beeps!

(07-20-2015, 07:02 PM)SharpSpine Wrote: Plus, when were you able to actually converse with the person who toiled in making the soap (testing formulas and creating scents) that you are purchasing from the commercial soaps? I greatly appreciate the ability to message the maker of the soaps I already use as well as the ones I'm thinking about using. Heck. one soap maker even offered to let me swing by his building to pick up some soap that he gave to me. How cool is that? I am willing to pay more for a soap that affords me these luxuries. The ones that also perform splendidly will stick around while others may move on. Competition will keep the soap makers innovative and responsive to the consumer as well, not just keeping the prices in check.


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Philadelphia, PA
(07-20-2015, 07:02 PM)SharpSpine Wrote: Plus, when were you able to actually converse with the person who toiled in making the soap (testing formulas and creating scents) that you are purchasing from the commercial soaps? I greatly appreciate the ability to message the maker of the soaps I already use as well as the ones I'm thinking about using. Heck. one soap maker even offered to let me swing by his building to pick up some soap that he gave to me. How cool is that? I am willing to pay more for a soap that affords me these luxuries. The ones that also perform splendidly will stick around while others may move on. Competition will keep the soap makers innovative and responsive to the consumer as well, not just keeping the prices in check.

yep, that's why I'm very happy with the artisans we do have in the community...very active, for the most part, with their customers.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
A lot of competition means a lot of choice.
The funny thing I have found, it is actually quite rare to get a real crappy soap. Actually I had only one last year and it was Mr Natty.
But then a lot of soaps are just... lets say similar. A lot of artisan soaps are basically the same for me, similar scent profiles as many go for the same classic scents which is citrussy, fougere, vetiver or oriental blends.

On the other hand this makes it awesome if you find a pearl. I have found already 3 this year that stick out above the others in performance and scents. If you find something like that and hit a strike in performance and scent, than it is absolutely awesome.

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