I’ve noticed an increasing number of posts on the forum by, usually newer members asking what is the best razor, razor blade, soap, brush, aftershave etc etc. I’m not sure whether they genuinely want to know or just want to throw fresh meat into the piranha tank but here’s a news flash - there is no best anything. If there were, there wouldn’t be the need to have forums or any other shaving enthusiast related social media. You’d just google best whatever and then go get whatever google tells you. So here it is, it’s been said so often that nobody says it any more, your mileage may vary or YMMV. Yup, it’s all up to you and what you think and what you like. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for another so, try as much different stuff as possible so you can find what the best hardware and software is for you. That’s what the forums are all about. Live a little.