I just got the opportunity to try a new puck from The Soap Exchange. Here are my thoughts from this morning's head shave.

The performance was very good. Nice slick lather, not too airy or dry, and was very easy to load using my Omega S brush. I head lathered and had the lather built very quickly. Finding the right water ratio was surprisingly easy as well, given this was my first time lathering with this soap. 
I would put this soap right up there with Stirling and Mike's. I think the distinguishing feature is that you can feel the oils a little more prominently during the shave. Not really better or worse, just different.

As for the scent...

The dry puck definitely smelled like leather. I opened it up and without knowing what it was my wife said "It smells like a saddle". I told her that's good since it's called Texas Leather. It wasn't my favorite scent, but I enjoyed it. My wife, not so much. Once lathered she said the entire bathroom smelled like someone had been smoking in there. Cigarettes, not nice aromatic pipe smoke. I didn't really get a cigarette smell. Maybe some tobacco notes, but certainly not cigarette smoke. I enjoyed it. I'll see if a buddy of mine is interested in trying it. If not, I'll probably hang onto it and use it on rare mornings when my wife is not home.

If you like leather and tobacco scents, then this would be a good soap to try. They do have other scents and I've heard very good things about the barbershop and the bay rum. Seems like they are making a very good performer and I would definitely recommend trying some.

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Garrett, The Shaving Disciple - Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, YouTuber, Head Shaver
2024 Software Restraint

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