I've been using the same Feather Artist Club Pro Super Blade in my Feather DX razor since July 22 -- that's 42 days. Yesterday, I completed shave 32, and got my usual BBS in 3 passes + touch-up. The blade is still plenty sharp, just more forgiving than when it was new. It's a pleasure to shave with.

The secret to this longevity appears to be stropping. After every shave since shave 1, I've stropped the blade on a soft terry-cloth towel. (Thanks to Larry [Lmarkow on B&B] for this tip.) I do 15 round trips: 5 passes in one direction, 5 passes in the other, 3 times. Somewhere around shave 20, I started stropping the blade before each shave as well, on a soft leather paddle strop. I can't say with scientific certainty, but I'm pretty sure that this extra step has added life to the blade. It's still going strong.

I have a hunch that towel-stropping will also help with shavettes that take DE blades. When I do touch-up with a Parker SR1 half-DE-blade shavette or the Equinox whole-DE-blade shavette, I towel-strop those blades, too. They seem to go on forever, but of course it's only touch-up.

I'm guessing that towel-stropping would work with Feather AC Pro blades, too. Not sure about the Pro Guards, but worth trying.

Matsilainen, BadDad and Blade4vor like this post
You can strop the Weck, Litt etc old type straight razors this way as well.they were originally sold with a small leather strop if I remember correctly .

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