(08-29-2020, 04:45 AM)celestino Wrote: If it has been a few years since you have sold the brush, I would attribute the shedding issue to two factors;
1. the current owner somehow caused the problem by misuse, applying too much pressure while bowl or facelathering or using excessive hot water
2. it is possible that the brush could have reached its end, for whatever reason.
Personally, I would surmise the first.
Best of luck.
Since you say the buyer's only had the brush about a month, I tend to agree with Celestino's first comment. Another, admittedly remote, possibility is that he could have a hard water problem that added to an existing soap residue buildup around the base of the knot. What I would do first is to request photos of the brush alongside the shed hairs. If he comes through, then advise the buyer to soak the brush for a few minutes in a dilute 1-10 white vinegar/water solution, rinse it then hand lather with a good shampoo with conditioner. Hope it works out for you.