
Posting Freak
You may have noticed that this section has been re-named Skincare.  The Mods discussed the pros and cons of forming a new section devoted to skincare given the growing interest in the area and the fact that several artisans are making their own skincare lines in addition to shaving.  It was decide to re-name the bath and body section to Skincare in order to avoid redundancy.  I invite members , merchants and artisans to post skincare products, discussion and issues on this section and feel free to start a new thread if that makes the most sense.

I have been carrying on an a PM discussion with Sri Ram of whollykaw on skincare generally and on the use of the Wholly Kaw skincare products and Sri has a wealth of knowledge in the area.  If you haven't seen WK's skincare lineup have a look here https://whollykaw.com/product-category/men/skincare/ I have purchased the Eye Centella Cream, Ectoin Face Serum, Lait Ecreme, and Anti-Aging Serum.  I've had the first two for a few months and only just bought the last two so I'm working them into my routine.  I think developing and following a healthy skincare regimen using quality products is beneficial to the health and welfare of our skin and allows us to put our best face forward as they say.  I'm getting up there where the time and sun exposure is starting to show itself and while I'm not judging others, the crypt keeper look isn't one I would choose for myself.  

I think that the entire membership young and old will benefit from sharing information and facts on healthy skincare, but for you young guys out there, the sooner you start taking care of your skin the better.  You are at a huge advantage by starting sooner so I am inviting everyone including Merchants and Artisans to post, share, educate and promote on skincare and skincare products in this section.



WildShaver, DanLaw, BPman and 5 others like this post
Thank you Marko for taking the initiative to discuss skincare for men and for the admins for making this happen.  Appreciate it.

We would benefit from taking our shaving routines which is really exfoliating the skin and elevating that routine to skincare for the face and body.  If we are can nerd about facial or head hair removal we can take care of our skin too. It is a natural extension that escapes most people.

All we have is one face and there is no plan B. The face that we put out to the outside world and what the world sees first need tender loving care. 

I look forward to contributing here too. I would need to say this that I am not a dermatologist nor do I play one!!.

DanLaw, andrewjs18, FloridaCreekIndian and 5 others like this post

Posting Freak
Sri, thats very kind of you to offer your input even if you aren't a dermatologist! Smile  I think you have probably done more research than most of us and can offer very useful information and suggestions for improving our skincare regimens.  I know that there are other members who may also want to share their knowledge and opinions with the members - ischiapp  and GroomingDept  to name two that I know have an interest in this area as well.

It seems to go without saying that a skincare regimen would start with a decent facial cleanser.  The challenge is how to properly cleanse the skin of your face without stripping away essential nutrients and moisturizers or adding or leaving impurities and/or oils that can contribiute to breakouts etc - I think they call that comedogenic (ie, causing blackheads by clogging pores).  The problem is that most of us have skin that is dry in some places and oily in others and this can get worse as you get older. There has been some superficial/anecdotal discussion previously on DFS with members posting on what skin cleansers are currently working for them. Thats been of some help but it leaves us in the trial and error mode  - I have several bottles of product lying around that haven't worked out.  

Currently I'm trying a product called Squalane Cleanser from a company called The Ordinary. [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]https://theordinary.deciem.com I'm about three weeks in using it and I think I like it.  It isn't harsh and doesn't strip my skin of natural moisture.  I'm going to persevere with it because a wise man once told me that "Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet" (Aristotle via Sri ).[/font]

The next challenge is finding a good toner.  I am using The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% solution but I only use it once a week because that stuff is potent and its way to strong for daily use - its intended use is an exfoliator.  I haven't found a preferred daily toner yet and am currently just using Thayers plain.  Its gentle and soothing.  I have some of WK's latest formulation of toner and sometimes use Tempest toner which is the closest thing to unscented that I have and it seems to provide a nice soothing toning sensation as well.  If I like it I'll get some in unscented.

One of the challenges of an effective skincare program is overcoming the old misconceptions about facial skincare - I have to say that as a younger man I took the Buckley's mixture/Vicks Vaporub approach to cleansing my face.  If its tastes/smells/feels awful its got to work better right?  I can remember having oily, breakout prone skin and assuming that harsh cleansers and toners and vigourous scrubbing was what was needed to clear things up.  I don't think that's the way to go and it does more damage to your skin than you really want.  Products and techniques that are gentle yet effective is what you want - a daily dermabrasion session won't really help and can do more harm than good.


AQU, whollykaw and GroomingDept like this post

Doctor Strange of Wetshaving
Forio d'Ischia, Naples, Italy
Sorry Marko, I'm not very useful in here.
My skin is a mess.
Tried tons of products.

For me, the best skincare is to avoid classic soaps.
My skin likes a physical, not a chemical approach.
I find two types valid:
1. Cleansing oils
2. Starch adsorbing "soaps"

The rest I leave to the wetshaving:
• a good soap
• a good brush
• a good FL
• a well sharpened blade
• a good technique
• a good aftershave
This is all I need.

AQU, Brains and Marko like this post
Where there is a great desire there can be no great difficulty - Niccolò Machiavelli & Me
Greetings from Ischia. Pierpaolo

Posting Freak
(05-30-2021, 07:27 PM)ischiapp Wrote: Sorry Marko, I'm not very useful in here.
My skin is a mess.
Tried tons of products.

For me, the best skincare is to avoid classic soaps.
My skin likes a physical, not a chemical approach.
I find two types valid:
1. Cleansing oils
2. Starch adsorbing "soaps"

The rest I leave to the wetshaving:
• a good soap
• a good brush
• a good FL
• a well sharpened blade
• a good technique
• a good aftershave
This is all I need.
No worries ischiapp , I think I was swayed by your pharmacy credentials and interest in chemistry and mixing potions Smile

Posting Freak
Ive noticed that developing/using a regimen for skincare AM and PM takes a bit more time than my previous approach and also a little more thought.  I'm approaching it the same way I approached wet shaving, that is, a meditation and an indulgence in self care.  Its not all that hard to come up with a basic regimen.  There is a regimen builder tool on The Ordinary website.  Of course the tool always suggests their products but that's the point right?  I think the Squalane Cleanser is a winner for me so far.  I've been using it for about 3 weeks now I think and I can notice an improvement in overall skin health, moisture, feel and appearance.  I know, there's only so much a cleanser can do for my appearance given what I've got to work with but I think its maximizing my potential. Big Grin

whollykaw, AQU and Brains like this post

Posting Freak
Another thing I’ve noticed following a regimen is that there isn’t really a place for my post shave splashes. Sri, whollykaw do you have any suggestions for incorporating fragrance /splashes into a skincare regimen?  I love my splashes and I find myself missing both the refreshing (mild) burn and the fragrance.

AQU and whollykaw like this post
Thank you for the questions.  Splashes and frags do have a place in our routines. We all like to smell good for us and for others when they get different wafts of the frag as it evolves.  Our body temperature play a role too.  

Splashes or scented toners can be applied on the face post shave. We need to be aware that alcohol would tend to dry out the skin and our skin would benefit from remedies to counter the dryness.  A scented balm would complete the routine after the shave. It would help carry the scent for a few more hours. 

Marko and AQU like this post

Posting Freak
(06-17-2021, 11:24 AM)whollykaw Wrote: Thank you for the questions.  Splashes and frags do have a place in our routines. We all like to smell good for us and for others when they get different wafts of the frag as it evolves.  Our body temperature play a role too.  

Splashes or scented toners can be applied on the face post shave. We need to be aware that alcohol would tend to dry out the skin and our skin would benefit from remedies to counter the dryness.  A scented balm would complete the routine after the shave. It would help carry the scent for a few more hours. 

Thanks for the tips Sri - so how I see doing this would be 1 cleanse, 2 shave, 3 rinse and apply witch hazel toner then splash, 4, complete application of rest of whole face regimen (see below), 5 apply scented balm and 6, apply UV blocking product.  

Right now I'm using the skin care regimen generated by the auto-regimen generator on The Ordinary website.  It consists of:

Squalane Cleanser
Buffet + Copper Peptides 1%
Amino Acids + B5
Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA
Mineral UV Filters SPF 30 with Antioxidants
Glycolic Acid 7% solution (once a week)

Initially this was a daunting regimen to follow day and night but I've gotten used to it and its not that bad, I just incorporate it into my self-care and kindness routine the same as I did with wet shaving.

WildShaver and AQU like this post
That sounds like a great start to the skincare routine. Most important step - sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen Smile.

The Ordinary routine generator will get us going in the right direction.  Thank you for sharing.

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