
Redwood City
What are some razors that you have in your collection that you'd love to use as your daily driver but dont perform as well as others? For example, I have a Mongoose II SS razor with a rolling hex handle that looks absolutely beautiful. I really enjoy SE razors and saved up for a little bit to buy one. I've used it with a good number of SE blades and no matter what i do, it simply doesn't provide me with as good of a shaving experience when compared to my Razorock BlackHawk v2. It always feels a bit too aggressive for me.

I love the heft, feel, and craftsmanship of the Mongoose and wish i could use it every day. Maybe I just need to work on adjusting my pressure a bit. Anyone else have similar problems with razors in your den?
(This post was last modified: 08-04-2017, 08:37 PM by KAV.)
In basic training we were issued uniforms including the old dress flat or porkpie hat. They were stiff from the factory with these ridiculously garden hose thick tubes to fluff out the brim with a deep swoosh ( all the while telling us wings on the classic Dixie cup hat were forbidden) reminiscent of those oversized Russian admiral hats. They were an utter PITA to shape and fit, especially when a Storekeeper PO eager to hit the EM club for drinks handed out sizes to small or large. Our struggles were made simple by the CPO of our training company " I order your body to conform to USCG uniform standards"
I approach my razors much the same way. they wont change, so I must.

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Redwood City
(08-04-2017, 08:36 PM)KAV Wrote: In basic training we were issued uniforms including the old dress flat or porkpie hat. They were stiff from the  factory with these ridiculously garden hose thick tubes to fluff out the brim with a deep swoosh ( all the while telling us wings on the classic Dixie cup hat were forbidden) reminiscent of those oversized Russian admiral hats. They were an utter PITA to  shape and fit, especially when a Storekeeper PO eager to hit the EM club for drinks handed out sizes to small or large. Our struggles were made simple by the CPO of our training company " I order your body to conform to USCG uniform standards"
I approach my razors much the same way. they wont change, so I must.

Fair enough. This is exactly the approach that I'm taking with the Mongoose. I've recently purchased some more SE blades to experiment with and know that I should reduce as much pressure as humanly possible. I plan on use it every other day for the next several weeks to improve my technique.

That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
I have a big, FW Holler 6/8 quarter hollow that is just a hefty, gorgeous razor in hand, that I put new, marmalade scales on. She's absolutely gorgeous, but for some reason I cannot get her to take an edge that is as keen as my favorites. One of my best looking razors, but the shaves just don't compare to my ugly, tapered and worn, Spike wedge or the the horribly worn and warped Simmons President.

I also have a traditional Kamisori that I won in a PIF that I cannot seem to get to accept an edge. No edge means no shave.

I keep both in the collection and in good condition, and every so often I take them out and try again, just in case, but so far these 2 razors have been stubborn and thus relegated to the back of the collection...

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-Chris~Head Shaver~

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