Hi there- Razor Emporium was started to be a place to shop for general shaving supplies as well as a variety of vintage items. 

We specialize in restoring vintage Gillette, Gem, Schick, Rolls, Wilkinson Sword and many other safety razors. We also offer our services to customers in the form of our Tune Up service and Revamp Service

We also restore hundreds of straight razors every month. From custom scales to polishing, honing and making that straight razor "shave ready" - we've got you covered. 

We also have a great online resource called Razor Archive where you can browse thousands of scanned ads, catalogs and historical information on all things Gillette. 

We're here to help - let us know if you need anything!


[Image: 1619175_674707469244030_3517593384120983...e=55F15C12]

leefish, ddion, The NavyGoat-23 and 6 others like this post
(06-20-2015, 08:01 PM)Razor Emporium Wrote: Hi there- Razor Emporium was started to be a place to shop for general shaving supplies as well as a variety of vintage items. 

We specialize in restoring vintage Gillette, Gem, Schick, Rolls, Wilkinson Sword and many other safety razors. We also offer our services to customers in the form of our Tune Up service and Revamp Service

We also restore hundreds of straight razors every month. From custom scales to polishing, honing and making that straight razor "shave ready" - we've got you covered. 

We also have a great online resource called Razor Archive where you can browse thousands of scanned ads, catalogs and historical information on all things Gillette. 

We're here to help - let us know if you need anything!


Hey Matt!

I bought my Pils from you about ten years ago. Welcome.

[Image: 1619175_674707469244030_3517593384120983...e=55F15C12]

Northampton UK
Hi Matt, you have 2 of my razors with you at this time. A fatboy and a slim, please take extra special care of them for me ;-) I'll review them on return to UK lol
Hi Matt,

Great admirer of yours and your company. I currently have a Fatboy being re-plated in Rhodium, can't wait to get it back.
I'm glad that you have a store front! I'll be in Phoenix next month and can't wait to stop by!
I have done several transactions with you and I must say, you and your staff is top notch and I have never been disappointed. Keep up the great work and tell Melissa more videos.
(06-20-2015, 08:01 PM)Razor Emporium Wrote: Hi there- Razor Emporium was started to be a place to shop for general shaving supplies as well as a variety of vintage items. 

We specialize in restoring vintage Gillette, Gem, Schick, Rolls, Wilkinson Sword and many other safety razors. We also offer our services to customers in the form of our Tune Up service and Revamp Service

We also restore hundreds of straight razors every month. From custom scales to polishing, honing and making that straight razor "shave ready" - we've got you covered. 

We also have a great online resource called Razor Archive where you can browse thousands of scanned ads, catalogs and historical information on all things Gillette. 

We're here to help - let us know if you need anything!



Your company is the best in restoring safety razors. Would not hesitate to do business with you again.

[Image: 1619175_674707469244030_3517593384120983...e=55F15C12]
Have you fixed your website, so only items that you actually have for sale are displayed ?
Am still bitterly disappointed in missing an item, at a discounted rate, that was advertised, yet apparently never actually for sale.

That is very cool Big Grin

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