How might we feel about expanding the range of reaction possibilities beyond Like or nothing? More responses would provide more nuanced tools for giving enhanced, accurate appreciation to members' participation on DFS. As examples, I'd like to acknowledge some of Bouki's insightful soap reviews with something (Bacon? Light bulb?) beyond the same, undifferentiated reaction given to someone who scored a 27th shave out of rusty, serrated razor blade [ ], and I just read a TommyCarioca snark about soap scents and Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and that line deserves guffaw, laugh, or smirk reaction. For the photo artisans who are setting a high bar, it would be nice to be able to tip a hat to their efforts with a wow reaction or some other superlative.
Would be a bit more fun and fulfilling, I think. Thanks for entertaining the notion.
Would be a bit more fun and fulfilling, I think. Thanks for entertaining the notion.