So last week I got my translucent Arkansas stone, and this week I got my Shoubudani 100, and a big Tomo nagura. I honed up the George Wostenholm 6/8 on the Arkansas stones, but I wasn't thrilled with the shave. It was my fault, not the stones. Rather than go back to the Arks and work it again to try and get a better edge, I put it off to the side, and waited for the Shoubadani to get here.
I detuned the edge on a glass, and went back to the Naniwa 5k and 10k synthetics. After working a few blades on the Arks, the synthetics were pretty brainless. They are just a lot easier, faster, and more consistent. It's no wonder synthetics are so popular. Anyhow...
I used the Tomo to bring up a good slurry, and worked the blade through multiple dilutions, until I was working with clean water and getting pretty good stick.
The test shave proved to be my most enjoyable shave to date. It isn't the closest shave I have had, but it is on par, and easily the most comfortable shave I've ever had.
I am having fun on my honing journey. I'm really enjoying the differences between stones. Synthetic, American natural, Japanese natural, and the Imperia la Roccia are all different, with different feels and finishes, and each having it's own requirements to achieve a good edge. I know people generally recommend working exclusively with a set of stones until you get really consistent with that set, but I am enjoying learning different stones and different techniques, and changing things up. It's a very enjoyable process...