My upstairs nieghbor is wheelchair bound and tends to find odd diversions collecting ukeleles, vintage girlie magazines and experimenting with household items in odd ways. I got him into wetshaving with some odds and ends and lots of creams gifted over the past year. So I met him on his
way out for his supplemental job walking dogs. I was shocked! He suffers from pretty severe acne but his face was truly BBS! He told me he has been mixing in those old candy poprocks and diet pepsi and it really speeds up the lather into delightfull volume with a mild scent of the candy flavor. I was sceptical, but not wishing to harm our friendship changed the subject to how his old Merkur was holding up? He claimed to have buffed out all the flaws in the crome by inserting it into a bag of microwave popcorn, resealing it and the popping kernals acting as abrasive.
I wanted to press him further for details, but the local Chabbad Rebi came walking at the start of shabot and he had promised to give me his shatnez tailor's business address down in J -Town (Little Tokyo.)
Has anyone heard of similar foolish experiments?

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