
novacula regem
(This post was last modified: 03-20-2019, 01:53 PM by Stephanos1920.)
From left to right :

1 ) Timeless 304 Stainless steel ,Scalloped bar & top cap , 0.95mm  / with custom made 304 ss razor holder ( the mild closed comb ) .

2 ) Karve Brass Solid Bar ,D guard , 0.98mm / with custom made brass handle and holder ( the aggressive closed comb ).

3 ) Τatara Masamune 303 Stainless steel OC . 0.73mm ( the mild open comb ) .

4 ) Karve Brass Open Comb ,E guard , 1.1mm  / with custom made brass handle and holder ( the agressive open comb ).

[Image: IMG-0007.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0008.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0009.jpg]

green 69, TheBurgh, ALI and 14 others like this post
I Need New Conspiracy Theories 
Because All Old Ones Came True
Who's your favorite? I've read so many good reviews on these razors and want to hear from the current owner.

Stephanos1920 likes this post

novacula regem
(This post was last modified: 08-26-2019, 07:01 PM by Stephanos1920.)
Hands down the two Karve .
The Tatara Masamune is a way smooth razor but somewhat lacks in efficiency .
I'm thinking on selling it half the price I bought it .
The Timeless is a bit heavy and has gave me some rough shaves from time to time .
Recently I've also acquired Razorock's  Gamechanger 0.84-P and Gamechanger 0.84-P JAWS ,which have became my two beloved razors .

ALI, metal_shavings, holiday and 1 others like this post
I Need New Conspiracy Theories 
Because All Old Ones Came True

A very nice collection.

Stephanos1920 likes this post
Very nice!
Hows the open comb compare? Much more arggressive?
The brass looks beautifully aged.
Magnificent razors.

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