
MD Eastern Shore

Speaking with Lee earlier, he told us the new batch of Heritage II "Blonde" Badger is back in stock.  According to him, the new shipment arrived a couple weeks ago. Over the past two weeks, Lee has tested and compared this batch to the first batch and says they are indistinguishable in use.  The only, admittedly minor, difference is that the newer hair might be ever so slightly darker--but the difference can be seen by only comparing the two hairs side by side under bright sunlight.  With that said, we have re-opened the M&F Legacy Collection to custom ordering and added a new Victorian-inspired brush we call the "Victory!"  [Read more...]

[Image: NSLADkM.jpg]
The Heritage II "Victory!"

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MD Eastern Shore
As a quick update, we now offer the Heritage II Victory! in both 26mm and 28mm sizes.  While 28mm is the most popular size in the M&F catalog, we have received a fair number of requests for the smaller 26mm brush; so, we're giving it a try.

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