
MD Eastern Shore
(This post was last modified: 04-19-2020, 10:20 PM by ESBrushmaker.)
The Rooney/Morris & Forndran Finest and Heritage shaving brushes of a decade and more ago are fondly remembered by many, and highly prized by those who own them.  Unavailable for years...more

Morris & Forndran Heritage II shaving brushes will be available for ordering beginning on Monday, April 20, at 8:00AM ET/GMT-5.

Please Note:  The Initial Heritage II Offering is limited to the first 30 orders.

[Image: RncWCpT.jpg]

FloridaCreekIndian, ANG69, NJDJ and 4 others like this post

MD Eastern Shore
The Morris & Forndran 'First Flight' Heritage II brushes are now available for custom order from The Legacy Collection.

[Image: vibHrVY.jpg]

[Image: 2p44kva.jpg]

[Image: EuJdx8h.jpg]

ischiapp, Kaotikfusion, ExtraProtein and 1 others like this post

Doctor Strange of Wetshaving
Forio d'Ischia, Naples, Italy
(04-21-2020, 03:23 PM)ESBrushmaker Wrote:
[Image: vibHrVY.jpg]

Kaotikfusion and ESBrushmaker like this post
Where there is a great desire there can be no great difficulty - Niccolò Machiavelli & Me
Greetings from Ischia. Pierpaolo

MD Eastern Shore
We shipped the first box of Heritage brush handles to Morris & Forndran earlier in the week and are working on the second. There's still some room left.

Kaotikfusion likes this post

MD Eastern Shore
Showing off some of our Patrons' Creativity!  Here are a few Legacy Collection L7 handles now winging their way to Morris & Forndran. (L-R Ebony & Briarwood, Porcelain & Lapis Lazuli, Antique Ivory & Lapis (being shy!), and Coral & Amber.)  Each Legacy Collection handle represents several hours of meticulous hand-fitting, so our production is currently limited to about two handles per day.  So if you don't see yours, never fear:  its either been shipped or soon will be!  Haven't ordered yours yet?  Then check them out here and order yours today!

[Image: E6m606q.jpg]
Stay safe!

smurfups77, Bryan_D, NJDJ and 6 others like this post

Brenda, AZ
Beautiful, Brad!

ESBrushmaker likes this post
Just a shout out to Brad and Nancy for their wonderful customer service

Kaotikfusion, ESBrushmaker and FloridaCreekIndian like this post

MD Eastern Shore
(05-06-2020, 07:37 PM)Shavemd Wrote: Just a shout out to Brad and Nancy for their wonderful customer service

Thank you.

Shavemd and Kaotikfusion like this post

MD Eastern Shore
(This post was last modified: 06-04-2020, 02:34 PM by ESBrushmaker.)
I thought some of you might be interested in seeing what our multi-piece handles look like fresh off the lathe before final fitting, sanding, buffing, and polishing.  At this point, nothing's been glued together as we're doing a preliminary "dry fit" to see if everything lines-up properly.  From this, we can see that the Porcelain rings and the ferrule "fitment" to the central belt need to be refined, and the base ring needs to be cleaned-up, but otherwise things look ready for the next step.

This example is a custom Morris & Forndran 2XL handle that's scheduled to be filled with the new Heritage II hair.  What's interesting about this piece is not only the patron's choice of resins (Cream Alpolina and Porcelain) but that it's also been "stretched" 4mm from the normal 48mm height to 52mm -- one of the custom services we offer. 

So, if you're thinking about our brushes and want some special customization, just reach out through our contact form and we'll see what we can do.

[Image: h2xdX0W.jpg] 

Shavemd, FloridaCreekIndian, Polovez and 2 others like this post
Beautiful work Brad

ESBrushmaker likes this post

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