
MD Eastern Shore
[Image: m65k214.jpg]

ALEXANDR D., Tester28, ANG69 and 7 others like this post

MD Eastern Shore
Now Available! [More...]

[Image: np1eFWL.jpg]

Southsider, GSVwetshave, ExtraProtein and 2 others like this post

Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
Beautiful, Brad. I hope you sell many.

ExtraProtein and DanLaw like this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2

MD Eastern Shore
(09-27-2021, 03:28 PM)primotenore Wrote: Beautiful, Brad. I hope you sell many.

Thank you, Primo!  We shall see....

ExtraProtein and DanLaw like this post

I like Pizza
Just gorgeous….been waiting a long time for this day, order in.  

Nancy is sweetheart Brad, what a patient Gal she must be!

Rebus Knebus and ESBrushmaker like this post

MD Eastern Shore
(09-29-2021, 12:36 AM)ExtraProtein Wrote: Just gorgeous….been waiting a long time for this day, order in.  

Nancy is sweetheart Brad, what a patient Gal she must be!

She is!  Especially to have put up with me for 30+ years. Big Grin

MD Eastern Shore

The L.E. "New York" Ebonite is now Sold Out, but several other flavors are still available.  Check them out at The Morris & Forndran Ebonite Collection.

[Image: G4kV55X.jpg]

FloridaCreekIndian, DanLaw and Southsider like this post

MD Eastern Shore
Just one (of several) examples of our Patrons' recent creativity:  a Heritage Victory! brush handle hand-turned in Ivory resin with Vesuv Ebonite collar and belt on its way to Morris & Forndran.  What may we create for you?
[Image: rYOouxc.jpg]

Southsider, Matsilainen, ANG69 and 2 others like this post

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