In terms of handle material selection for a beehive, Paladin is first. Personal preferences for Beehive shapes they are first now too. I was going to say second, but Varlet's Beehive is different from how it used to be in the past at the beginning. That's my absolute favorite Beehive handle.
I like that yellowish cream color that's in the Harlequin. I was browsing brushes a few days ago while listening to music comparing some headphones when something struck me on one of the Harlequins. Had to go back and look at the pictures of all the Harlequins, and the one that made me stop in my tracks, and couldn't buy that Buck Rogers Harlequin fast enough. Not sure if I have that blue in there, but I hope so. That looks great too.
From what I remember, your Somerset looks exactly like the Rooney stock of old because it is in fact. I seem to recall that Ken mentioned he worked out a deal with the company that made it. Possibly has exclusivity on it too, but don't quote me on that part. I only clearly remember that Ken worked out something to get that rod stock again.