
Louisville,KY. USA
Hello all. My name is Shawn and I've been wetshaving in the traditional way for about 5 months or so now. Love to try new soaps and currently looking for my birth year gillette. A Z1 first quarter 1979. Looking forward to sharing my shaves and stories.

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Hello, Shawn, and welcome to DFS. Smile

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Los Angeles
Shawn, welcome!

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Louisville,KY. USA
Thanks for the welcome
Welcome to DFS!

Philadelphia, PA
hi, thanks for signing up. I hope you enjoy the site.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Fort Smith, Arkansas
Hello Shawn, welcome

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The Dude Abides
Welcome to DFS, I was in Louisville about 3 years ago and had a nice visit.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Careful, man, there's a beverage here! - The Dude

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