
Central Maine
Well, I've been working on a number of projects for a few months now.

One is trademarking "Krampert's Finest" on a federal and also state level. The state trademarking should be complete far faster than the federal. The federal could take years.

Another was streamlining production as much as I could. That still hasn't been felt or seen by the consumer, but should be soon. Relax, the formulas have in no way been changed, nor have the production methods. Same exact products, just better workflow for us, and a better final product for consumers. Really. It might not make sense now, but when it's unveiled you'll agree.

There are other changes in the works, but I simply can't/won't even give an inkling as to what they are. At least one of these should be announced soon. Hopefully within a month. Wheels turn slowly and it's been a very long process.

Jerry Carrick, SharpSpine, tdmsu and 5 others like this post
Brian. Lover of SE razors.

Los Angeles
I can't wait for the reveal  Tongue

Central Maine
No more than I do!
Brian. Lover of SE razors.
What color rabbit is up your sleeve ShadowsDad?
>>> Brian <<<
Happy beeps, buddy! Happy beeps!

Central Maine
:-) In time I hope to have an answer to that.

SharpSpine likes this post
Brian. Lover of SE razors.

Central Maine
I have my Maine Trademark approval. So Krampert's Finest is over that smallest of hurdles.

The US trademark has been applied for with the Patent Office (USPTO).

And here's a huge hint about what I was tiptoeing all around in a previous post. My EU trademark has been applied for with "The Office of Harmonization" of something or other. Don't ask, but yes it probably means what you think it does. "My" EU people are all excited about what comes next. It has been a very long process and you have no idea how many times I almost threw in the towel as just not being worth doing. The various state agencies that are there to help small businesses hadn't a clue, so basically I had to learn what to do and how to do it all on my own. Without an avenue being shown to me by one gent it might never have happened. Thanks Steve! And it's all being done legally and right up front. I did get offers to circumvent the laws of the EU but the world is a very small place today and it just isn't worth it IMO.

There should be more to follow quite soon. I should think within a month; but it's all coming together.

mbnu55, Freddy, tdmsu and 1 others like this post
Brian. Lover of SE razors.

Los Angeles
Good! Finally the light at the end of this tunnel Big Grin
You are welcome Wink

Central Maine
It has come to my attention that not everyone has Paypal. Kramperts Finest has decided to no longer disregard those folks. In keeping with that, something new on the website, but not part of what I was referring to in earlier posts, is that now Kramperts Finest will accept checks. Just go through the normal check out procedure and before it's complete there is an option to send in the order with a check, or to pay with Paypal.

By the time I get this posted it should be fully implemented.

SharpSpine, Freddy and Shnutz like this post
Brian. Lover of SE razors.

Central Maine
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2015, 03:59 PM by ShadowsDad.)
For those who haven't seen it and wish to partake... There is a giveaway in the appropriate section to celebrate the following.

We have jumped another hurdle and have REAL LABELS on our bottles now. Gone are the Avery labels that sometimes wouldn't stick and had to be held down with tape. These labels should be unaffected by the product inside so there is no more softening and getting funky.

They have other advantages from a production standpoint but I won't bore anyone with that. But we here at Krampert's Finest are just tickled with them!

We still suggest the flask as being the ultimate vessel for use in a shave den since they are impervious to everything that can hurt the natural product inside, but for those who don't want to use the stainless steel flask, those folks will be much happier with the new labels.

Rest assured that nothing has changed but the label. Everything inside the bottle is as it has been for years.

Here they are on paper and flat.
[Image: d0407467-0af9-4b62-be76-56d24550c9c1_zpsp7rhfetx.jpg]

Dslack3, wingdo and tdmsu like this post
Brian. Lover of SE razors.
I really like the upgraded labels, Brian. Well done!

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