Hello everyone,
I'm RodWolf19, I've been wetshaving for I think 5 years. I'm from the glorious land of Texas. While I was in an ROTC program I had to shave daily and found that to be awful, my face would bleed and ooze all over my uniforms. I started with the van der hagen kit, moved to C.o Bigelow, a Gillette Slim Adjustable and a small makeup brush for a long time. I ended up losing that razor and I stuck to a super speed for a while. One day I bit the bullet and bought a 69' Super-109, started looking into artisan soapmakers and here I am, quite hooked and couldn't be happier. Thanks for the read and I'm glad I have the opportunity to join this community.
I'm RodWolf19, I've been wetshaving for I think 5 years. I'm from the glorious land of Texas. While I was in an ROTC program I had to shave daily and found that to be awful, my face would bleed and ooze all over my uniforms. I started with the van der hagen kit, moved to C.o Bigelow, a Gillette Slim Adjustable and a small makeup brush for a long time. I ended up losing that razor and I stuck to a super speed for a while. One day I bit the bullet and bought a 69' Super-109, started looking into artisan soapmakers and here I am, quite hooked and couldn't be happier. Thanks for the read and I'm glad I have the opportunity to join this community.