Good day to all the gentlemen on Damon Fine Shave this morning. I hope you are enjoying your shaves and doing well.
Today, I had a chance to try a trio of Cosmo products. Started with body soap, worked as expected (this scent is new to me but I have tried many of the other soaps).
I have found a new love for this brush and have really been impressed with the Vie Long silver tip knot. It paired nicely with the thick, protective lather that 4.2 produces.
A nice against the grain pass using the Muhle R41 (2013) filled with a Kai blade. It bit my lower neck a bit but rubbed the face with ice during the shave to keep it from hopefully not getting hot or inflamed.
I had been using the other Anti Aging Face Serum frequently as of late. Now today the first of version containing more vitamin E (aka tocopherol acetate), provitamin B5, glycerin as well as the truffle oil extract. Cosmo Face Serum is the fragranced counterpart but I used it first and skipped the SV Cosmo aftershave splash, even though I had it.
Needless to say but it seems like it can carry water to the skin but in general I have tried to see how many products relate to water and how you use them to hydrate the skin and hair. My face has been feeling softer even though I do still get some rough shaves when I try to achieve uncomfortably "close" shaves.
Cheers and enjoy your morning everyone.